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I picked up Jackson on December 13th, 2008 in Baltimore City.  He was a 9 week old adorable bundle of fur, who then puked in my car within the first 10 minutes of picking him up.  Yep.  It was love at first sight.

I did not get Jackson from a good breeder.  At the time, I was 18 and unaware of backyard breeders, puppy mills, and the difference between a reputable breeder and a bad one.  He is not a good representative of the Yorkie breed as far as 'standards' go (18lbs, long tail, overbite) and I've even been told he could possibly be a Silky Terrier.  Whatever he is, he's my boy, and I love him with all my heart.

yorkie silky terrier
yorkie silky terrier

Jackson is my best friend, my partner-in-crime, my little buddy. He's with me a majority of my time, whether we are simply running an errand together or going on vacation with the family. All he really wants is just be with me constantly. Even though he doesn't necessarily need or want to be "close" to me (and is not a 'cuddly' dog) -- being in the same room is a must.

He's so smart. My dad always comments that he is the smartest dog he's ever seen. He's a thinker. He doesn't just do things blindly. He also remembers everything... if he had a bad experience ONE time, he WILL remember... He is also a very sensitive and quirky dog in general.  He is noise sensitive and doesn't like thunder, fireworks or gun shots.

He's really "bombproof" most of the time. What I mean is I know I can take him anywhere and he will behave.  He's very go with the flow and enjoys doing anything so long as I'm there with him.  As a dog sitter throughout the years, he has aided me in helping to raise many puppies, as well as had the opportunity to stay at many houses with me and my clients.  He's laid back in certain ways... a ton of dogs are barking at him through a fence? *shrugs* he just keeps walking. We go into a store, he lays down while I look through the shelves. But on the other hand, he can be a spazz too!! We go to my dads house for example and he hears a four wheeler driving by and he starts barking like a maniac and runs out the door into the fenced in yard. He hears the front door open and he's ruffruffruffruff loud alert barking all the way to the door.

yorkie silky terrier
yorkie silky terrier

Once he gets to know a person, he will love you forever. But it will take a while. All my family and close friends he just adores and greets with hugs and kisses. He's not really a lap dog and doesn't "enjoy" being picked up. Oh and he's a terrible beggar. He sees food, he wants it. He highly enjoys being a "dog"... digging, getting muddy, swimming, rolling in dead things.

Overall he is a very active dog but not what I'd call hyper, most of the time. He is very biddable and happy to work for anyone with food, but he shows the most enthusiasm when working with me. He's joyful with a lot of personality. He's inquisitive, physically and mentally quick, and likes to be kept busy at all times but also doesn't mind an evening lounging around on the couch.  He's always been willing to try everything I've thrown at him - agility, tricks, swimming, you name it.

He's a once in a lifetime dog.

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